I can understand sometimes that it is hard to get in the places of your emotion and that some concor other and that you feeling like you can be stuck in a void. Many of time have I felt like this quote above and just wanted to run and hid away from the world. This has been with my own personal life and also my assignments. With group work weather you be with 4 or 14 people. You can find that there is a case where people and their personalities get in the way and that you find it hard to control what you feel towards them. if you have read my about page I study and the University of lincoln – United Kingdom (NOT AMERICA) and i am doing my Media production degree. for my first year in university I was in a group with 14 people for an assignment. For me i like working in groups but i have never experienced anything like this.
For the assignment I was the producer for the show. With a producer role you are considered the highest role apart from the executive producer. with the producer what is happening in the show and what is being spent with money wise and what is happening with the timing of the production has to be agreed with the producer. Well…… within my group there was a lot of big personalities which is great to get amazing ideas and to have a bigger then life show. However when i came to decision making it was difficult to get anything done and planned as they would see it as more of a social and that they are the only people that should be heard. I mean everyone should have there say and that for these assignments should be FUN !!
However there is the point where you have to remember that there is work to be done, and once you have had it done and completed )The paper work and planning) you are able to have fun with what you are doing and enjoy the experience.I would say that this was all there fault my group did do a really good job when we adventurously pulled it all together and we creative a successful TV show.
with me as produce I feel that i did a good job as a producer however i do fell that with my emotions i could have handled the pressure and the environment better. I did go through some hard time and for myself I did become very ill with everything. My anxiety and Depression got really bad cause to trigger other illnesses that i didn’t even know i had.for me i felt that i was very weak as a person and a producer and that i should have taken care of myself more then anything.
what i want you guys to understand that. yes group work can get hard and it can cause you to feel angry, sad and weak at times but you can make yourself stronger with getting hold of yourself and saying. You know what i am better then this im stronger i can take on this challenge and not feel useless and that you can take control even with the dark voice inside you head saying that you should give up.
this is Emma Cooper and this is Living My Life