Anxiety and Depression



Well this is pretty much explain me in a nutshell. I always jump to the wrong conclusion in a a matter of minutes. Weather it be with university or relationship or social life. I have a very high tested anxiety where i has brought me to many different cases of wanting it take my own life.

but please don’t feel bad for me; it was a decision that I wanted to make for myself and my choice to keep the life i have god I feel much more happier and thankful for everything I have. With the thought i had i found that it helped me keep my life on perspective. I have the best things for me right now with the people i have met, the friends i have made. my relationship with my boyfriend has grown stronger.

i am very much effective with thing that people would consider stupid and ridiculous. such as waiting for ages for someone to text you back. People saying things that are meant to be a joke and i take in the wrong way. The way I can take someone emotions and think that they are either upset or angry at me when it is actually they are tired or angry with someone else.For me it has been a really hard way to learn what I need to do with getting to be like everyone else.

I have looked at countless of theorise to see what I can use to help things that are panicking me. To reduce to a break down. many of these theories do work in a way and they do work for an amount of time where some of you can relate. But after time the dark part of you finds way to get over it and start to destroy at that theory. Then you have to go through and find another theory to get on with to that you can push back that voice in the back of your mind. I’ve had this and fighting this for 5 years now and i still have to look for new ways to make myself feel that I am not damaging myself and other around me. Because for me hurting the people who I love and care for most I don’t want to hurt with something that I can’t even control with myself.

Being a media student I can kind of relate to movies and for this i would use Inside out. The animated film where you have the different emotions but with sadness and fear they are much darker within themselves like they have been infected with a disease and that which i take my medication they are returned back to normal. However they start to slowly slip back when the help runs out.

This is Emma Cooper and this is living my life

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